• ★★★★★

    "Absolute game changer for my sleep and anxiety! Sleep is more dreamy and finally have stopped waking up 3-4 times a night. No more night sweats or daytime anxiety!"

    ~ Rebecca W

  • ★★★★★

    "Sleep is so important to me, quality sleep even more so. This new nighttime ritual definitely helped quiet the chatter so I could fall asleep with more ease."

    ~ Hélène R

  • ★★★★★

    "I now wake up without my usual headache that feels like a hangover. Even after a hard night of shift work in the healthcare sector, I felt bright, energetic and positive."

    ~ Lisa C

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Start Your Journey

Tired of being tired?

Take our simple quiz to find what sleep product is right for you!

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Rest. Relax. Repeat.

Struggling to sleep during perimenopause?

The Restorative Sleep System is a powerful duo of products designed to improve every aspect of sleep quality for perimenopausal women.

Sounds good, doesn't it.

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Embrace the Change

Plant-powered perimenopause supplements that support women's hormonal health.

Keep Your Cool

Our 100% organic Relief Elixir is your hot flash hero for the times you need help keeping your cool*

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Be Perimenoproud™

Thanks for stopping by!

We're Melissa and Tiffany, besties and business partners who, like you, have experienced the hormonal rollercoaster of perimenopause.

Our products are clinically formulated to help perimenopausal women get through those "WTF is happening to me" moments.

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